
Micropack Ventures Pvt Ltd : It is known for pioneering Packaging products and solutions in our Country, not once but several times.

Aniket Shah : Micropack Ventures Pvt Ltd is a Group Company Of Monarch Group, based out of Ahmedabad. We are manufacturers of Wood And paper based

An Exclusive Interview with the Managing Director – Mr. Aniket Shah.

Paper Market : Could you let us know about Micropack Ventures?

Aniket Shah : Micropack Ventures Pvt Ltd is a Group Company Of Monarch Group, based out of Ahmedabad. We are manufacturers of Wood And paper based Packaging Products since last 25 years.

We are manufacturers of Paper Angle boards and Export Wooden Pallets. Currently, We as a group have also diversified into Sustainable and biodegradable products like Techical Wood Core Plugs and Technical Wood Pallet Blocks. These are plastic Substitutes and are 100% Eco Friendly, much better in Quality and are economically priced.

PM : What are your company’s mission & vision?

AS : To be a driving force for Sustainable, Innovative and holistic Solutions in the packaging Industry in India & across the globe.

Company’s principles are that we make responsible decisions based on professional standards. We encourage thoughtful, creative and inspirational ideas. We build better when we work together. We develop professionally through expanding our capabilities with innovative training. We empower each other to take ownership of our actions.

Our company’s culture & values given to your employees are Integrity, Innovation, Teamwork, Growth and Accountability.

PM : What type of products you manufacture for paper industry?

AS : Technical Wood Core Plugs (All sizes), All types of Paper Angle Boards and Paper Edge Protectors, Technical Wood Pallet Blocks for Four Way pallets.

PM : Could you explain about your valcor plug used for paper rolls?

AS : Valcor is Our Registered Brand For Compressed Wood Core Plugs. They are made from recycled Wood. 

They have far higher strength than Plastics.

  • Perfect fit to core tube
  • NO Termite/ Fungus/ Fumigation requirement
  • Eco Friendly
  • Biodegradable and sustainable solution
  • Have Cost Savings

PM : May we know that what kind of edge boards or wrap around boards, you can supply to paper mills?

AS: These are as below:

  • Normal Kraft Paper Based angle boards and wrap around edge protectors
  • Single Color Stamp Printed Angle boards/ Edge Protectors
  • Digitally Printed Angle Boards
  • Self-Adhesive Angle boards.

PM : Do you produce wooden blocks superior to Pine or Hardwood?

AS : Yes our Compressed Wood Pallet blocks have :

  • Termite/ Fungus Resistance
  • No Need for Wood Sanding / Planing
  • No barks, Knots/ Splinters
  • Have Cost Savings

PM : Do you source your raw materials from the reliable forest management companies?

AS : We do not source any material from Forests, directly or semi-directly. We are a 100% recycled material based company. Also we are the 1st commercial licensed Holder to manufacture of wooden pallets and crates in India since 2002 and has become ynonymous with Top Quality Products, Timely Delivery/Service and World-class Innovation.

We have supplied hundreds of millions of pallets to several internationally reputed MNCs and they are the proof of our outstanding customer service.

PM : Technical features of your manufacturing units?

AS : We have a huge manufacturing area spanning roughly 40,000 Sq Metres Divided into 3 Facilities around Ahmedabad. Our latest plant is a ZED Bronze and ISO 9001:2015 Certified. It is fully automated plant and conforms with all globally accepted best practices which ensures highest standard of accuracy.

PM : What is the special reason behind of starting up projects with a status of FIRST IN INDIA?

AS : We have a strong belief that is going to be India’s Century. We have the right manpower, brains, and resources to give better solutions to the world and that this is just the beginning. What we can achive in terms of cost competitiveness, hard working manpower and huge market potential, I think very few country across the world have it.

PM : How important are QC and R&D for a company and what kinds of tests are carried-out at your units?

AS : According to us, R&D is the backbone of any company’s growth, We have in-house testing laboratory and research center where we work on upcoming products based on sustainablility.

In today’s fast paced and Information overload world, if we do not upgrade with our offerings regularly, then you are sure to be left behind.. This is where R&D is very essential.

The quality of our product is determined by the depth of small detailing regarding our product. The more knowledge we have of minor details and the more we test it as a daily task, the more our quality is bound to increase. 

At Micropack, we make it a point to give R&D and QC the utmost importance.

PM : Challenges or Hurdles you face in the market?

AS : Resistance to Substitution to a better alternative is the biggest hurdle. We are trying to overcome this by increased awareness through Exhibitions, magazines and through our partners in this region.

PM : What is your goal in the Industry?

AS : Our short terms goal is to be leading player of technical Wood Core Plugs supplier in the our country.

In the long term, we shall target different other products which can be made from this material which have better relevancy.

PM : Could you explain us about your environment management policies?

AS : At Micropack, Environment Friendly is at very core of foundation. We use thousands of tons of used wood and convert it into a high Quality product for paper and other industries. We generate zero waste and all water & human waste are 100% recycled to be used inside the factory itself.

PM : How do you see the growth of Indian paper industry in future?

AS : Indian Paper Industry is going to mimic the India Growth Story. Although there are lot of challenges recently, but I think in the long term, it will stay robust and ever growing.

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